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Missing information in export of Burp Suite Scanner issues

Federico | Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 04:24PM UTC

Hi, I found an issue in the export functionality of Burp Suite Scanner. In detail, the XML export of the issues obtained using the "Actively scan defined insertion points" functionality of the Intruder tool have the "location" XML tag that contains a value like this one: <location><![CDATA[/aaa/bbb [manual insertion point 14]]]></location> The "manual insertion point 14" information unfortunately is useless because the export does not include a way to map the "manual insertion point XX" string with the position of the insertion point in the request (or the name of the parameter containing the insertion point). Thank you. Regards, Federico

PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 09:24AM UTC

Hi Federico, Thanks for letting us know about this. This isn't an issue in the UI or HTML report as the insertion point is highlighted in the request. We're probably unlikely to fix this for the XML report, but in future we are going to have a JSON representation of issues and this will include highlight offsets.

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